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Meet Maya Rowell

Tell us a bit about your background:

I am from the Bay Area, near Oakland, CA. In 2015, I moved to New York City to study Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at New York University. After completing my bachelor's I still wanted more in depth knowledge of bioengineering and to gain skills as a researcher in cancer therapeutics. That is why I decided to go to graduate school for bioengineering. I started at UC San Diego as a Master's student then transitioned into the PhD program after my first year.

What are you studying/researching?

I am in Dr. Stephanie Fraley's lab in the bioengineering department. Our lab focuses on understanding the migration and behavioral patterns of metastatic cancer cells. My research specifically looks into studying these cancer cells under induced flow rates using microfluidics and 3D hydrogels.


Tell me a little bit about your campus involvement at UC San Diego. 

Since arriving to UC San Diego, I've attended and helped organize many events hosted by the Black Graduate & Professional Students Association (BGPSA) and the Bioengineering Graduate Society (BEGS). My favorite activities to do on campus are playing tennis, walking around Target, and grabbing coffee at Art of Espresso & Starbucks. For two years, I lived on campus and made great lifelong friendships and memories with the black graduate student community in graduate family housing (shoutout to the BGELLC!). When not on campus, I love going to the beach, thrifting, and checking out eclectic bars/breweries in San Diego.

Why UC San Diego?

I chose UC San Diego because I missed living in California and the bioengineering graduate program is one of the best programs in the country. Also, with San Diego being a biotech hub, I could make great connections here for my career.

Have you been awarded any fellowships or grants during graduate school? If so, which ones?

I've been awarded the NIH Quantitative Integrative Biology Training Grant, Jacobs School Racial Equity Fellowship, GEMINI Fellowship, and inducted into the Bouchet Graduate Honor Society.

What has been your favorite part about your graduate student experience at UC San Diego?

My favorite part about graduate school in San Diego is watching the sunset on my way home after a long day. It always lifts my spirits.