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Meet Austin Newcomer

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am originally from Myrtle Point, OR and earned my B.S. in Natural Resources from Oregon State University. My wife Lacie and I have two young sons – Wylder and Danner. I am an Active-Duty Lieutenant in the U.S. Coast Guard with 16 years of service. My most recent assignment was as the Living Marine Resources Officer at Sector Columbia River directing fisheries enforcement operations on the Oregon and Washington coasts. I am incredibly fortunate to have been selected by the USCG for full grad school funding. Upon graduation I will be assigned to a marine environmental response program management position.

What are you studying/researching?

I am completing the Environmental Policy specialization track within my MPP degree. To the extent possible, I focus on marine environmental policy matters and am taking elective courses at Scripps. I am also completing the Program Design & Evaluation specialization track with a focus on Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis.


Tell us about your campus involvement at UC San Diego

My family and I lived in graduate family housing in the Mesa community during the first year of my program. It was very convenient and affordable, and offered many community events and activities. I am participating as a mentor to 1st year grad students at GPS after having participated as a mentee during my 1st year and having found the process rewarding. I am a committed coffee drinker and thus a frequent visitor of TEC Cafe.

Have you been awarded any fellowships or grants during graduate school? If so, which ones?

I am a GPS Dean’s Fellow. 

What has been your favorite part about your graduate student experience at UC San Diego?

I love a challenge and the program at GPS has been rigorous! I am older than most of my peers here and have certainly had to clear out some mental cobb webs, but it has been rewarding and I hope it can serve as some inspiration for my children someday - they certainly inspire me.